
WSPS 2019 Annual Report

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3 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Sector-specific Guidance WSPS reached out to sub-sectors within its membership to determine what they needed to keep their workplaces safe. Working with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD), it developed best practices for businesses and produced over 65 checklist and guidance documents available in English and French. Both MLTSD and WSPS shared these resources, through their websites, social media platforms and other key communication channels. Businesses looking to discuss their specific health and safety questions with a professional were encouraged to contact WSPS' duty consultant service, which offered expanded hours of assistance. Helping remote workforces The crisis required that employees at many Ontario businesses work fulltime on a remote basis. For some, working from home was a new experience. WSPS was quick to assist with tools and checklists on proper ergonomic set-up of home offices and laptop stations. Also, WSPS eCourses provided customers with learning opportunities for their employees, featuring topics such as pandemic preparedness and musculoskeletal disorder prevention. Preventing mental harm In response to pandemic-related self-isolation and its anticipated impact on employee mental health, WSPS, in partnership with HowattHR and Mental Health Commission of Canada, launched a Psychological Safety Blog. Written for leaders and managers, the posts cover a variety of topics, ranging from preparing for self-quarantine, managing and supporting teams during the pandemic, and compassion fatigue. It is also a rich repository of resources offered at no cost by supporters such as the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering and the Conference Board of Canada. Readers are appreciating the Psychological Safety Blog. In the month following its launch, it was visited 3,658 times

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