
WSPS 2019 Annual Report

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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements March 31, 2020 (8) 11 Internally restricted Included as part of internally restricted net assets are the following funds: Internally restricted fund for CHSI capital expenditures The Board approved setting up an internally restricted fund as at December 31, 2012 for the Corporation's share of future capital expenditures relating to CHSI. The fund was designated based on a reserve fund study performed on CHSI in 2011. In the current year, the Corporation reduced the fund by $552,061 (2019 – reduced by $392,194). The balance represents the Corporation's share of CHSI's replacement reserve and unrestricted net assets. Internally restricted for defined benefit post-retirement plan remeasurements The Board approved an internally restricted fund as at December 31, 2015 for the amount of remeasurements and other items recognized in the statement of changes in net assets (deficiency) related to the Corporation's defined benefit post-retirement plan. In the current year, $7,836,400 in actuarial gains (2019 – $964,600 losses) resulting from the change in benefits during the year was transferred to this fund. This fund will be used to offset future actuarial losses. The following represents the balances within each of the Corporation's internally restricted funds as at March 31: 2020 $ 2019 $ Fund for CHSI capital expenditures 1,696,287 2,248,348 Fund for Employee Future Benefit Equalization Reserve 19,920,400 12,084,000 21,616,687 14,332,348 12 Training and publication recoveries 2020 $ 2019 $ Conferences 2,023,313 2,023,985 Consulting 2,983,297 3,198,855 E-learning training 248,975 259,511 Training 5,275,034 5,464,731 Safety literature and information services (safety products) 127,516 174,331 Safety group 550,672 613,380 11,208,807 11,734,793 31 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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