Posters & Infographics

What is Ergonomics?

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ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS PHYSICAL FACTORS COGNITIVE FACTORS Psychosocial Factors Participatory Ergonomics Incident Investigation Decision Making Training Usability Mental Workload Working Hours Quality Management Mobile O…ce Communication MSD Prevention Workplace Layout & Design Repetitive Tasks Material Handling Accessibility Postures Human- Computer Interaction For more information contact Workplace Safety & Prevention Services  1 877 494 WSPS (9777)   Ergonomics is more than just comfortable chairs. It's about making our environment work with our abilities and limitations. It includes the organizational, cognitive and physical fit with our environment. Learn to recognize, report and reduce the risks at play in your environment by spotting the factors to ensure you are working smarter, not harder. After all... What is ERGONOMICS? 800-106-01-IGDO FEB 17

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