Posters & Infographics

What EMPLOYERS Can Do to Keep Older Workers Safe and Healthy

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Older workers bring valuable skills and experience to your organization. Helping these workers to apply their skills while staying in tune with their physical health and well-being is an effective way to prevent injury and illness in the workplace. Work Together Encourage workers to provide feedback and ask questions Provide refresher training sessions Engage the older workers Celebrate successes Take a teamwork approach to solving problems that are related to aging Commit to Training Invest in training and building worker skills and competencies at all age levels Train workers on safe work procedures for the job tasks that they perform i.e. lifting, bending, stretching etc. Help older employees adapt to new technologies Provide aging workforce management skills training for supervisors with a focus on the most effective ways to manage a multi-generational workplace Create a Safe Work Environment Regular workforce and workplace assessment Design work areas/job tasks to reduce working at heights and reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls Provide ergonomically correct equipment and work stations Maintain appropriate climate controls Ensure workplace lighting is adequate Manage noise hazards Provide personal protective equipment when required Match tasks to abilities Rotate work to avoid fatigue and reduce repetitive strain injuries Provide mechanical equipment to minimize lifting requirements Embracing an Aging Workforce Encourage an Active and Healthy Lifestyle Remind workers of their responsibility to work in a safe and healthy manner Encourage workers to report on hazards related to both physical and mental health Enable a healthy and safety lifestyle by offering programs on wellness, healthy meal options, smoking cessation assistance, weight management, risk factor screening and medical care Maintain positive working relationships with older workers by gaining an understanding of the physical and mental changes related to aging Raise awareness in the workplace about the value of retaining older workers What EMPLOYERS Can Do to Keep Older Workers Safe and Healthy Don't want to journey alone? Call 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) The information contained in this reference material was produced by Tourism & Hospitality Advisory Committee and is distributed as a guide only. It is current to the best of our knowledge as at the revision date. No guarantee is made by WSPS as to the absolute correctness and WSPS assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. WSPS.CA

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