Can you spot all the hazards?
STOP and look for
dangerous situations
THINK about what you
need to do to stay safe
ACT to stay safe
This project is funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
LIST OF HAZARDS (clockwise from top left): single-seat ATV has two riders, is driving too fast, and driver not steering with
both hands; tractor driver in field is facing backward while man is standing in manure spreader; children playing unsupervised
near water; child following skunk (risk of injury or rabies); using trimmer without protective equipment; man lifting box
improperly; open flames near pesticide storage shed with unlocked door; man ignoring no-smoking sign; barrels leaking
chemicals (risk of fire and soil contamination); child without bike helmet not looking forward and riding too close to truck
that 's backing up; tractor is leaking hydraulic fluid and parked with raised bucket while children play underneath; flying kite
near power lines; tractor without rollover protection tilting up while pulling heavy log; children riding up high on moving hay
wagon; child riding unsafely next to adult on tractor; children jumping from barn roof into pile of hay containing pitchforks;
man carrying boxes can't see forward and could trip on equipment left standing in middle of yard; gate left open so bull could
escape, while child climbing fence to get ball; tractor driving out laneway is missing slow-moving vehicle sign that 's wrongly
mounted on mailbox post.