Guides & Toolkits

Agricultural Safety Topic - Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention

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Objective: To help identify potential MSD hazards in the workplace that can lead to injuries, including sprains and strains. Background: Workers in the agriculture sector are often exposed to MSD hazards, including repetitive work, on a daily basis. These injuries can be disabling and can affect their earnings and the farmer's profits. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), also known as repetitive motion injuries, are injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which include muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, etc. Many body parts can be affected by MSDs. In the agriculture sector the most common include the low back, shoulders, and hands. Examples of MSDs include back strain, shoulder bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow. Symptoms of MSDs include: Pain with or without movement. Swelling and tenderness. Reduced range of motion and / or stiffness. Tingling and numbness. Employers should encourage all workers to report any signs and symptoms of MSDs as soon as possible. AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS MUSCULOSkELETAL DISORDERS (MSDS) PREvEnTIOn

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