Guides & Toolkits

Office Workstation Design

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OFFICE WORKSTATION DESIGN 7 310-AQT-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Quick Steps for Setting Up Your Computer Workstation Step #1 Set the height of the chair so that your thighs are roughly parallel to the floor, with your feet flat on the floor or a footrest Your knee angle should be about 100° The chair should have a well formed lumbar (lower back) support to help maintain the lumbar curve Ensure the chair does not put pressure on the back of the legs There should be enough space between the front edge of the seat pan and the back of your knee/ lower leg to fit one finger up to one fist Step #2 Your elbows should be at an angle of 90°, with your shoulders relaxed and your arms hanging naturally at your sides Keep your hands in line with your forearms, so that wrists are straight, not bent up, down or to the side The mouse should be directly beside the keyboard Step #3 Make sure the arm rests don't interfere with natural movements and/or are adjustable Step #4 Set your monitor at a height that allows you to keep your neck straight The top of the active area of the screen shall be no higher than the user's horizontal eye level when seated in an upright posture Step #5 Organize your work so that usual operations are within easy reach Place documents beside the monitor on a document holder, or at an angle between the keyboard and monitor WSPS.CA

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