Guides & Toolkits

Office Workstation Design

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OFFICE WORKSTATION DESIGN 11 310-AQT-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Office Workstation Item to Check Y N Comments/Possible Adjustments or Changes 5. Accessories A head set is provided if talking on the phone while keyboarding is regularly required If provided, source documents are angled upwards with an appropriate document holder Source documents are positioned close to your center of attention if viewed regularly 6. Work Practices You vary your viewing distance throughout the day by focusing on items further away While keyboarding your hands float over the keys, not resting on the wrist rests You are able to vary your tasks You sit back in the chair properly (head and shoulders are relaxed, not raised, hunched, or rounded), using the backrest for support You know how to adjust your chair, and adjust it throughout the day You take frequent micro breaks (5 minutes every hour) to change posture and perform stretching exercises WSPS.CA

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