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Office Workstation Design

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OFFICE WORKSTATION DESIGN 8 310-AQT-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Office Workstation Checklist Use this checklist to assess your workstation for potential problems. A 'No' response may indicate a problem which could lead to a musculoskeletal disorder. Make the necessary changes or adjustments for all potential problems identified. If discomfort persists, you may require advice of an ergonomic specialist. Office Workstation Item to Check Y N Comments/Possible Adjustments or Changes 1. Chair Chair height is appropriate for the individual and work surface height (thighs are parallel to the floor or knees slightly lower than the hips) Feet are fully supported on the floor or on a footrest Chair has a stable base with five wheels or castors suitable for the floor surface The angle of the backrest is adjustable The backrest height is adjustable; if not, the backrest supports the inward curve of the lower back If armrests are provided, they do not interfere with natural movements Chair seat is the appropriate size for the individual The seat pan tilt is adjustable (+3° or -4°) for frequent computer users There is a space between the front of the chair and the back of your legs (min: width of finger/max: fist) WSPS.CA

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