Guides & Toolkits

Office Workstation Design

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OFFICE WORKSTATION DESIGN 9 310-AQT-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Office Workstation Item to Check Y N Comments/Possible Adjustments or Changes 2. Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse The monitor is directly in front of you, if viewed or used regularly When keying upper arms are hanging vertical, and lower arms are horizontal (elbows approximately 90°) Work is performed directly in front of you, with elbows close to the body The wrist is relaxed and not bent. Wrist rests are available Mouse is placed on the same level as the keyboard Mouse fits comfortably in your hand The top of the active area of the screen is no higher than the user's horizontal eye level (lower for bifocal wearers) when seated in an upright posture The monitor is at a comfortable distance away (50 to 100 cm) Screen is free of glare or shadows Windows are not in front or behind the operator Letters on the screen are sharp, easy to read, and do not flicker WSPS.CA

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