Guides & Toolkits

Office Workstation Design

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OFFICE WORKSTATION DESIGN 10 310-AQT-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Office Workstation Item to Check Y N Comments/Possible Adjustments or Changes 3. Work Surface Work/writing surface height is about elbow level Work surface is large enough to hold all work material Frequently used items are within easy reach Reaching behind the midline of the body is avoided Writing space is available on the individual's dominant side, while on the computer Legroom is sufficient to stretch out the legs and to swivel in the chair 4. Lighting Adequate lighting is provided Adjustable task lighting is available You are shielded from glare (e.g., sun or lighting) The workstation is located in between rows of overhead lights WSPS.CA

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