Guides & Toolkits

Physical Demands Analysis Instruction

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PERFORMING A PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSIS 5 310-003-19-IGDO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Page 6: Addendum The addendum has been provided for you to include up to 7 photos (in addition to the one included on page 1) of the job being performed. It is not necessary to include additional photos for all jobs – but a visual representation of the job being performed adds value to the analysis, and can be useful for a reader who is unfamiliar with the job. Below each photo box is a text box. Click in the area below each photo to indicate a caption of what the photo depicts. TO PRINT/SAVE Once satisfied that the PDA has been completed, return to page 1 and click on the "Print Form" button in the top left corner of the page. You can print one or more hard copies of the PDA on your printer, or save an electronic version. If you are using a professional edition of a PDF viewer Select "Save As" and give each PDF a meaningful name. With the addition of many photographs, the file size will likely be quite large. To decrease the file size, you can create a PDF of the fillable form. To do this, select File > Print > and choose Adobe PDF instead of your regular printer. Warning: You will no longer be able to edit this file. Therefore when prompted, ensure to give it another name so as not to save over the fillable version. If you are using a free version of a PDF viewer You may not be able to save the completed form as an electronic copy without first installing PDF creation/converter software. There are many free versions of PDF creation/converter software available on the internet to allow you to do this. PHYSICAL DEMANDS DEFINITIONS AND TIPS Mobility Walking – to move about on foot (greater than 2 steps). Standing – to remain on one's feet in an upright position without moving greater than 2 steps. Sitting – to remain in a seated position. Crawl – to move about on ones hands and knees. Driving – to operate a motorized vehicle, non-motorized vehicle (such as bicycle), forklift, backhoe or other piece of equipment. WSPS.CA

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