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Physical Demands Analysis Instruction

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PERFORMING A PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSIS 3 310-003-19-IGDO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA There are 3 lines under Purpose and Nature of the Job to enter text that will provide the reader (doctor, rehabilitation specialist, etc.) with a brief overview of what the job entails. The "Essential Tasks of the Job" and "Non-Essential Tasks of the Job" need to be recorded, along with the approximate percentage of time dedicated to each task. This is the most important section of the form and it needs to be accurately and concisely written. This is what the WSIB, rehabilitation specialists and/or doctors will use to determine if an individual is able to return to work, and this is what the rest of the PDA form is based on. The first task is numbered for you in the "Essential Tasks of the Job", but there is enough room for you to include up to ten "Essential Tasks" and three "Non-Essential Tasks". (Make sure the "highlight fields" box is checked to clearly show where to type the Essential and Non-essential task numbers.) There is one line allotted per task, however if you really must use more than one line, you can click on the box below and continue typing. Do not add an essential task number in the margin. There will still only be 10 lines allotted for typing. You must continue the numbering through all of the "Essential Tasks" and continue the same numbering through any "Non-Essential Tasks". The numbers here will be used in later steps to correspond with the tasks outlined here. Below the essential and non-essential tasks are 3 additional headings to include pertinent job information such as the size and weight of the product handled, workstation dimensions or parameters, hand tools and/or any equipment used. Page 2: Physical Demands The physical demands listed include the most common, critical mobility and posture demands that may be required for most jobs. Two blank rows have been included below each subsection to include additional physical demands not captured (e.g., ulnar or radial deviation, or arm abduction or adduction). Under the "Task #" column, type the corresponding Task # from the Essential/Non-Essential Tasks listed on page 1. Under "Frequency", select the appropriate checkbox using the legend found at the bottom of the page. You also have the ability to include additional notes under "Describe Activity". In this section, you should note additional factors for consideration such as distances, durations, and surfaces (e.g., walk 10 – 30 ft. on concrete floor, intermittently throughout the shift) that will provide the reader with a clearer understanding of the job. Note: The "Posture – Reaching" and "Posture – Elbow/Forearm/Wrist" subsections also have drop down menu boxes ("Select" boxes) for you to use to indicate the arm used (i.e., Left, Right, Both, Either, None and blank) to perform the task. The blank option may be best chosen for any blank physical demand row(s). WSPS.CA

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