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Physical Demands Analysis Instruction

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PERFORMING A PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSIS 4 310-003-19-IGDO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Pages 3 and 4: Strength Demands of the Job and Hand Activity At the top of page 3, you will find a drop down menu ("Please select" box) for you to use to indicate the overall strength demand of the job. This is best selected at the end of the analysis to ensure the overall strength requirement of the job is captured correctly. There are also drop down menus located in each row for lifting, carrying and pushing/pulling, as well as for most hand activities. For each applicable hand activity select which arm(s) or hand(s) are used to perform the task. Type the corresponding Task # in the associated box for all tasks noted in these sections. Maximum and average Forces/Weights can be entered into the corresponding box for each task listed. Be sure to include the units of measure. Use the legend located at the bottom of the page to select the letter to type under "Frequency and Duration". This is the same legend used on the page 2. There is additional space provided to include any pertinent information regarding the frequency and/or duration (e.g., lift 2 boxes/min for 1 hour of shift). When entering information for lifting, it is important to indicate the height at the start of the lift (e.g., floor level) as well as the height at the finish of the lift (e.g., at shoulder level). You may wish to provide an exact measurement (e.g., 25 cm), since body landmarks may vary depending on the height of the individual. Landmarks do; however, provide a quick visual reference for the reader. When entering information for carrying or pushing/pulling, you should indicate additional information such as the handle height, the distance the object is pushed/pulled/carried, if the person is required to push a cart up a ramp, etc. For each row/physical demand, it is important to include information under the Describe Activity/Posture heading to provide the reader with a clearer understanding of the job and what activity the worker is performing (e.g., carrying a cylinder or a pail) Page 5: Additional Conditions and Demands In this section, click on the corresponding checkboxes to indicate the Environmental Conditions, Psychological/ Mental Demands, and Sensory Demands of the job. Additional comments can also be noted in the comment boxes provided. Document evaluation and approval procedures vary between companies. For this reason, four options have been provided for your use when indicating who has been involved in performing each PDA. You do not need to use all four boxes if it is not necessary for the procedures of your company. In the "Type Name" box, type the name of the individual who completed, evaluated, approved, or validated the PDA. The "Insert Signature" line gives you the option to insert a digital signature, or to sign the form manually after it has been printed. Beside each signature row, the date should be entered. WSPS.CA

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