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Physical Demands Analysis Instruction

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PERFORMING A PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSIS 6 310-003-19-IGDO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Posture – Back Bending Forward – to bend forward and downward by bending the spine at the waist. Bending Backwards – to extend the back, backwards (arching the back). Twisting – twisting the upper body (trunk) or bending the upper body to the side (lateral bending). Posture – Reaching Above shoulder level – moving hand(s) and arm(s) in any direction so that the hand(s) is/are above the shoulders (while handling objects less than 5 lbs.). Chest to shoulder level – moving the hand(s) and arm(s) in any direction so that the hand(s) is/are between chest and shoulder level (while handling objects less than 5 lbs.). If the upper arm(s) is/are hanging vertically at ones sides, this is not considered reaching. Below chest level – moving the hand(s) and arm(s) in any direction so that the hand(s) is/are below chest level (while handling objects less than 5 lbs.). If the upper arm(s) are hanging vertically at ones sides, this is not considered reaching. Behind the body – moving the hand(s) and arm(s) anywhere behind the body Posture – Elbow/Forearm/Wrist Elbow Flexion/Extension – to bend and/or straighten the arm, moving about the elbow joint. Wrist Flexion/Extenstion – to bend and/or straighten the hand, moving about the wrist joint. Wrist rotation – to twist/turn the wrist (as if to open a door handle). Posture – Neck Forward Bending/Flexion – to curve or flex the neck forward/downward towards the chest. Backward Bending/Ext. – to curve or extend the neck backwards as if to look up (i.e. towards the ceiling). Twisting/Turning/Tilting – to look/turn the neck sideways towards the shoulder, or to tilt the head so that the ear moves closer towards the shoulder. Posture – Hip/Knee/Ankle/Foot Crouching/Squatting – bending the body forward and downward by bending the knees and spine/hips. Kneeling – bending one or both knees, to come to rest on the knees. WSPS.CA

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