Guides & Toolkits

Physical Demands Analysis Instruction

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PERFORMING A PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSIS 7 310-003-19-IGDO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA Climbing (stairs/other) – ascending or descending stairs, ladders, scaffolding, poles, equipment or other apparatus using the feet and legs, and/or hands and arms. Jumping – to spring up from the ground or down to a lower level using the foot and leg muscles. Foot Pedal/Action – to use one or both feet to activate a foot pedal, or some other foot action/ movement required Lifting raising or lowering an object from one level to another (including holding an object in a static position). Carrying transporting an object from one location to another by moving ones feet 2 or more steps, usually holding the object in the hands, arms or on the shoulder. Pushing/Pulling exerting a force upon an object so that the object moves toward or away from the force (includes exerting force to hold an object in a static position and jerking an object). Gripping/Grasping seizing, holding, turning or otherwise working with the hands. Pushing (palm press/finger) using the open palm or fingers to apply force to an object. Some examples my include using the palm as a hammer, using one or more fingers to insert small parts into small openings. Pinching pressing the thumb and one or more fingers together to hold an object, examples of such activities may include turning butterfly bolts, pulling fabric, turning a key. Fine Finger Movement using the fingers to manipulate/handle an object(s), examples of such activities may include typing, sorting papers, activating buttons, sorting/separating small parts. Writing to inscribe or trace words, letters, numbers, symbols, etc., using a pen, pencil or other writing instrument. WSPS.CA

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