Guides & Toolkits

Abrasive (Grinding) Wheels

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ABRASIVE (GRINDING) WHEELS 3 330-ARB-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Testing Cracks in abrasive wheels are often impossible to see. Two effective methods to detect cracks are the ring test and the vibration test. Always test a wheel immediately before mounting. Make sure that the wheel is clean and dry before beginning the test. The Ring Test The ring test assesses the sound coming from a grinding wheel when it is lightly tapped. An undamaged wheel sends out a clear ringing tone. Use this test on vitrified bonded wheels. Do not use it on: Wheels that have a diameter of 10 centimetres (4 inches) or less Plugs and cones Mounted wheels Plate-mounted wheels Segment wheels Inserted nut and projecting stud disc wheels Here's how the ring test works: 1. Suspend the wheel from the hole on a small pin or finger. If the wheel is too heavy, rest it on its outer edge on a clean, hard floor. 2. Tap the wheel gently with a non-metallic tool. For light wheels, use the wooden handle of a screwdriver. For heavy wheels, use a wood mallet. The best spot to tap a wheel is about 45 degrees from either side of the vertical centreline, about 2.5 to 5 centimetres (1 to 2 inches) from the outside edge. (See Figure 2). Note: If you tap directly on the centreline, even an undamaged wheel may give off a muffled sound. 3. Listen for the sound that comes from the wheel when it is tapped. Turn the wheel 45 degrees to the right or left, and repeat the test. 4. Compare the sounds from the wheel being tested with those from other wheels of the same lot and type. 5. Set aside any wheel that has a suspiciously different ring for further testing. If you need help, call the manufacturer. WSPS.CA

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