Guides & Toolkits

Abrasive (Grinding) Wheels

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ABRASIVE (GRINDING) WHEELS 6 330-ARB-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Mounting Grinding Wheels on Spindles Inspect the wheel for flaws and carry out the ring test Clean the bearing surfaces of the wheel, flanges and spindles so that the clamping pressure is evenly distributed Check the speed of the spindle to make sure that it is not too fast for the type and size of wheel Make sure that the hole in the wheel bushing is the right size for the spindle (neither too small nor too large) Use flanges that are recessed and large enough to clamp the wheel well toward outer edge Use suitable blotters Tighten the spindle and nuts just enough to keep the wheel from moving out of position between the flanges Before turning on the power, make sure that the wheel runs true and unobstructed Stand to one side of the wheel when first turning on the power Working Safety Even when a grinding wheel is tested and equipped with all possible safety devices, grinding is still a hazardous activity. It is important to always follow these safe work practices: Wear proper eye protection Wear face shield Wear hearing protection Never wear loose clothing, ties, rings or other jewellery around rotating machinery Keep long hair in a hair net Stand to one side of the wheel when first turning on the power Let the machine run at full speed for one minute while everyone stands clear Bring the workpiece slowly and smoothly into contact with the wheel (don't bump the wheel) Allow a cold wheel to warm to ambient temperature prior to use Don't force work against the wheel so that the motor slows down excessively or stalls Don't side grind on the flat side of a straight wheel; use wheels designed for this purpose WSPS.CA

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