Guides & Toolkits

Abrasive (Grinding) Wheels

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ABRASIVE (GRINDING) WHEELS 7 330-ARB-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Adjust the work rest so that: – it has a maximum clearance of 3 millimetres (1/8 inch) from the wheel – it is above the horizontal centreline of the wheel Don't adjust the work rest while the wheel is moving If a grinder appears to be defective or unsafe, apply lockout to remove it from service and report the problem immediately to your supervisor Never operate a wheel at a speed above the manufacturer's recommendation Dispose of damaged wheels immediately Keep the work area around the machine clear Use a ground fault circuit interrupter when operating an electrically-powered grinder in a damp or wet area Vibration Equip handles of portable grinders with vibration absorbing covers. Maintenance Proper maintenance of grinders and grinding wheels will help to ensure the safety and health of the persons who use or work near them. Set up a maintenance program that includes regular inspections and servicing, and record keeping. Inspections Schedule regular inspections of grinders and their parts. Operators should frequently inspect the condition of their grinders to ensure that: Plugs and cords are free of cuts, loose or bare wires, and dirt, oil, or grease Shells of double-insulated tools are clean and free of cracks There are grounding pins on the plugs of grounded tools The frame, motor and parts are in good condition Guards are in place and working properly Switches are working properly WSPS.CA

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