Guides & Toolkits

Abrasive (Grinding) Wheels

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ABRASIVE (GRINDING) WHEELS 8 330-ARB-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Wheels are in good condition (not nicked, cracked or excessively worn) and are properly dressed (see Dressing: Bench and Pedestal Grinders below) Work rests are properly adjusted Glass shield protectors are in good condition (not cracked or excessively scratched) and properly adjusted Local exhaust systems are in place, properly adjusted, and working correctly Encourage employees to report maintenance problems. An operator who identifies a defective grinder should immediately remove it from service, tag it, and report the problem to the supervisor or maintenance department. Dressing: Bench and Pedestal Grinders Wear a face shield over goggles for protection against heavy particles Use a dressing tool approved for the job Don't use a lathe cutting tool Inspect star dressers for loose shafts and worn discs Round off the wheel edges with a hand stone before and after dressing to prevent the edges from chipping Use the work rest to support and guide the tool Use a tool holder if one is available Always apply pressure slowly and evenly Always apply diamond dressers at the centre of the wheel or slightly below the centre, never above Servicing Schedule regular servicing of grinders to keep them running safely. This includes: Cleaning the entire machine and oiling all moving parts Testing the motor, and replacing defective parts Testing for and repairing short circuits and faulty grounds WSPS.CA

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