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Agricultural Safety Topic - Lockout Tagout

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AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS – LOCkOUT & TAGOUT 2 130-011-23-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Try to restart the equipment at the control panel to ensure that it is secured. Check the machine for possible residual pressures, particularly for hydraulic systems. Complete the repair or servicing work. Replace all guards on the machinery. Remove the safety lock and adapter. Let others know that the equipment is back in service. Common mistakes in lockouts: Leaving keys in the locks. Locking the control circuit and not the main disconnect or switch. Not testing the controls to make sure they are definitely inoperative. Review the Following Points: Equipment should be locked out while being repaired. Lockout means to place a lock on a device that prevents energy release. Tagout means to place a tag on a switch or other shut off device that warns not to start that piece of equipment. Make sure to remove keys from the locks. Lock the main switch. Test the controls to make sure they are definitely inoperative. Replace all guards on the machinery after servicing. Based upon: Ohio State University Extension. Lockout and Tagout. Retrieved from website

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