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LOCKOUT 5 330-ATJ-01-IMOT © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Try to move the electrical isolation device to make sure it cannot be moved to the 'ON' position with your lock in place Emergency stop and interlocking devices can prevent equipment from starting. Ensure emergency stop buttons are reset and any interlocked doors are closed before testing the equipment. Try to start the machine using the normal operation controls to make sure that the equipment does not operate Note: In some instances, there may be more than one power source feeding equipment and steps must be taken to ensure that all sources are effectively locked out. Other sources of hazardous energy that could endanger a person while working on the equipment must also be de-energized and appropriately secured. This can include flywheels, gravity, springs, capacitors, compressed air, hydraulics, steam and other pressurized or hazardous liquids and gases (see Figure 1) When the work is completed, prior to removing the last lock, make sure the operational controls are in the 'OFF' position so that the electrical switching is done under 'no load'. Ensure all blocks, tools and other foreign materials are removed from machine. Coordinate with other people that may have been working in the same area in which energy will be restored. Ensure all personnel that were affected by the lockout are aware that the lock(s) will be removed and energy will be restored to the equipment When it is safe to do so, remove lock and tag, and restore energy to the equipment When the work has not been completed the incoming worker should install a personal lock and tag before the first worker removes their lock and tag. If the next worker is delayed, a lock and tag could be installed by a supervisor to control the equipment until the next authorized worker arrives. Lockout procedures should indicate how the transfer is to be conducted WSPS.CA

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