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LOCKOUT 6 330-ATJ-01-IMOT © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Figure 1 Energy forms, energy sources, and general lockout guidelines Energy Form Energy Source General Lockout Guideline Electrical Energy Power transmission lines Machine power cords Motors Solenoids Capacitors (stored electrical energy) Shut down the machine using acceptable procedures. Isolate the hazardous energy – depending on the task to be completed this might be a local control or a main disconnect Lock and tag the isolation point Be aware of any residual or stored energy. Ensure you understand how to control stored electrical energy according to manufacturer's instructions. Only do so if you have the correct tools and training Hydraulic Energy Hydraulic systems (e.g. hydraulic presses, rams, cylinders hammers) Shut off system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions Bleed off and blank lines as necessary Lock and tag (with chains – if needed to secure valve in a safe position, built-in lockout devices, or lockout attachments for valves), block any possible movement of machinery Pneumatic Energy Pneumatic systems (e.g., lines, pressure reservoirs, accumulators, air surge tanks, rams, cylinders) Shut off system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions Bleed off excess air; if pressure cannot be relieved, block any possible movement of machinery Lock and tag (with chains – if needed to secure valve in a safe position, built-in lockout devices, or lockout attachments for valves). Block any possible movement of machinery WSPS.CA

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