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LOCKOUT 8 330-ATJ-01-IMOT © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Communication The lockout program should be communicated to all employees through orientation. Training should be suitable for the responsibilities expected of individual. Train Your Workers All workers performing lockouts and their supervisors must receive training. The training should address: Importance of lockouts Legal requirements for lockouts Company policy on lockouts The energy forms, hazards and procedures (administrative and work-related) that must be followed The importance of following procedures Lockout errors to be avoided (for example, assuming the equipment is inoperable or that the job is too small to warrant a lockout) The use and care of personal protective equipment Proper use of all tools Verification of knowledge and routine audits should be performed and will provide guidance for refresher training. Enforce and Update Your Lockout Policy Identify persons responsible for ensuring lockouts are properly followed and ensure accountability. The best way to do this is to include this in their job descriptions. Review lockout procedures on a regular basis. The results of inspections, new equipment or technology can also be used to initiate a review of lockout practices. WSPS.CA

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