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Agricultural Safety Topic - Jacks

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AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS – JACkS 2 130-011-30-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | When Using Jacks: Stabilize equipment, then set brakes and/or block wheels. Do not overload the jack. Lubricate with recommended oil as directed. Do not drop the jack. Discard damaged jacks. Position the jack properly and discontinue lifting if the load shifts. If working on the ground in the outdoors, place a heavy block under the base of the jack. Recheck the jack before completing the lift. Remove jack handle when lift is completed. Lift only as high as necessary. Support the lifted load with blocks or a stand. Review the Following Points: Check jack before use to ensure that it can carry the load. Do not use leaking jacks. Stand to the side while jacking to avoid being struck by the handle. Support load with blocks or stands. Cement or cinder blocks should not be used because they may shatter under the load. Based upon: Ohio State University Extension. Jacks. Retrieved from website

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