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Agricultural Safety Topic - Starting & Stopping a Tractor

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AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS – STARTING & STOPPING A TRACTOR 2 130-011-35-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Stopping the tractor safely involves more than just applying the brakes and turning off the engine. Use the following safety suggestions to avoid accidents: Apply the brakes evenly. Disengage the PTO. Lower all hydraulically powered equipment to the ground. Put the gearshift lever in "park" or "neutral", and set the brakes. Turn the ignition key off and remove it to prevent tampering or accidental starting. Additional Safety Hints: Keep a copy of the operator's manual on the tractor. To prevent falls, keep the surface area of the tractor free of oil, grease, and mud. Keep trash away from the exhaust system to prevent a fire. Keep tires properly inflated. Maintain control lights and gauges. Ventilate to avoid asphyxiation, when operating tractors indoors. Review The Following Points: No extra riders (except for specific training purposes). Never start the engine by shorting across starter terminals. When jump starting an engine, avoid sparks around the battery, and wear eye protection. Always apply brakes evenly and disengage the PTO when stopping the tractor. Based upon: Ohio State University Extension. Tractor Start Stop. Retrieved from website WSPS.CA

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