Guides & Toolkits

Flowing Grain Entrapment

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FLOWING GRAIN ENTRAPMENT 3 800-AOW-01-IADO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Collapse of a vertical grain wall Grain that has spoiled can cake in large vertical columns. As grain is removed from the base of a caked mass, the potential for an avalanche and engulfment increases dramatically. If a worker tries to break up the grain by poking with a shovel (or other tool), the grain can break free and result in an avalanche, completely burying the worker (see Figure 3). Preventing vertical grain walls Ensure workers are using a lifeline that is securely tied If entry is required, the worker should be lowered from the top of the bin, dislodging the grain as they descend into the bin (this keeps them above the vertical column) At all times, be prepared for the entire grain wall to break free and fall Use proper storage techniques to avoid conditions that cause spoilage Grain Bin Rescue Procedures Precautions for rescuers 1. Shut off the grain-moving machinery – stop the flow of grain 2. Always assume that an entrapped victim is alive 3. If possible, ventilate the bin using the drying fan without activating the heat source 4. If bin entry is required, the rescuer who goes into the structure should wear a body harness and be tied with a safety rope to at least two rescuers on the roof of the bin Figure 3: Vertical grain wall Source: North Dakota State University Agriculture and University Extension WSPS.CA

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