Guides & Toolkits

Manual Materials Handling

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MANUAL MATERIAL HANDLING 7 315-002-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Instruct employees to: push rather than pull avoid overloading – limit the load pushed or pulled at one time ensure the load does not block vision never push one load and pull another at the same time Carrying and Holding Reduce carrying and holding forces by: evaluating the work flow – determine if heavy loads can be moved mechanically over any distance converting the operation into a pushing or pulling task providing carts, slings or trolleys providing portable containers in which to place awkward loads providing grips or handles on loads limiting the distance over which the load is moved Environmental Factors Maintain an optimum environment by ensuring that: the temperature of the work area is at an acceptable level in a hot environment – workers take frequent breaks away from the heat – workers drink frequently from liquids provided near the work site in a cold environment, – workers wear good insulating clothing – loads are easy to handle when gloves and heavy clothing are worn humidity is at an acceptable level lifting instructions can be heard in a noisy environment WSPS.CA

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