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Manual Materials Handling

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MANUAL MATERIAL HANDLING 4 315-002-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Control Measures The best control measure is to eliminate the need for workers to perform manual handling tasks. Since this is not always possible, design manual handling tasks so that they are within the workers' capabilities. Considerations include the load itself, the design of the workstation and work practices. Providing mechanical handling devices or aids can often eliminate the task itself or ease the demands on the worker. Task Design The Load Reduce the weight of the load by decreasing the: size of the object (specify size to suppliers) weight of the container (e.g., plastic is lighter than steel) capacity of containers load in the container Conversely, consider increasing the weight of the load so that it may only be handled mechanically. This can be done by the use of: palletized loads, and larger bins or containers Decrease the load on the worker by: limiting the number of objects required to be handled during the day designating heavier loads as team lifts (e.g., two or more persons) changing the size and shape of the load so that the worker can get closer to the load's centre of gravity WSPS.CA

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