Guides & Toolkits

An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace

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2 2 INSTITUTE FOR WORK & HEALTH Non-workplace resources include any supports, services or programs offered independently from the workplace. These include those offered by rehabilitation professionals, physicians/mental health providers, family members, community organizations, etc. • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), especially if work-focused, can help you remain at work or return to work when experiencing depression. • The wait lists to see specialists such as psychologists and psychiatrists may be long. • Implementation tip: While you wait, consider attending drop-in programs or community support groups, or using your workplace EAP's counselling services. • Be aware of the resources available in your community so that you let workers know about potential support options, if needed. • Be patient with workers who do not seem to be making progress because they may be on a long wait list. Accessing specialized services may take up to a year or longer in some areas. • Implementation tip: It may be helpful to send out information to all workers regarding available supports in your community. Non-workplace resources

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