Guides & Toolkits

An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace

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5 INSTITUTE FOR WORK & HEALTH How to use this guide This guide consists of three main sections: workplace culture, workplace processes, and workplace and non-workplace resources. Each covers different aspects of supporting individuals with depression in the workplace, and offers actionable messages for a range of workplace audiences. = Union/Worker Reps = Manager = Worker = Human Resources = Co-Worker Throughout the guide, you will also find implementation tips (see example, right). These point to important pieces of advice to consider when addressing mental health in the workplace. They are often practical and easy to implement. Each of the three main sections includes case studies that illustrate practical and easy-to-implement actions that you can consider adapting to your own situation. As this guide is meant to inspire action, we have included pages near the end of the guide on which you can add your own notes about workplace policies and/or resources available in your community. LEGEND We have used audience icons (see right) next to actionable messages to highlight the audience(s) for which messages are most relevant. However, please use any information that you consider relevant to your situation. Implementation tip: Make sure to think through what programs you may already have in place to raise awareness, and whether they resonate in the context of your workplace.

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