Guides & Toolkits

An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace

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1 5 INSTITUTE FOR WORK & HEALTH Depression is an episodic condition. Symptoms can come and go, and they are not always easy to identify. The workplace can play an important role in helping workers identify their depression and access early support. • If you have a history of depression and the quality of your work is decreasing, or if you are having performance-related issues and a hard time focusing at work, this could indicate you are approaching or currently in an episode of depression. • Seeking help early is recommended, especially in light of long wait times to see specialists. Start accessing supports and joining wait lists as soon as you notice signs of depression. • Performance issues can be linked to depression. Keep this in mind when approaching workers about their performance, and always offer support. • Implementation tip: You don't need to mention the words 'depression' or 'mental health.' Simply stating that you are there to support the worker if they need help is a good start. • Behaviour changes such as being withdrawn, participating in team activities less often and/or having difficulties focusing may indicate that a worker is experiencing depression. Identification and early intervention

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