Guides & Toolkits

An evidence-informed guide to supporting people with depression in the workplace

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2 6 INSTITUTE FOR WORK & HEALTH Acknowledgements The team behind the creation of this guide includes: • Dwayne Van Eerd (Institute for Work & Health) • Kimberley Cullen (Institute for Work & Health) • Emma Irvin (Institute for Work & Health) • Monique Gignac (Institute for Work & Health) • Siobhan Cardoso (Institute for Work & Health) • Quenby Mahood (Institute for Work & Health) • Morgane Le Pouésard (Institute for Work & Health) • Anita Dubey (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) • Judy Geary (National Institute of Disability Management and Research) This research was supported with funds from WorkSafeBC through its Innovation at Work program. The views expressed in this guide are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of WorkSafeBC. IWH is supported by the Province of Ontario. The views expressed in this guide do not necessarily reflect those of the Province of Ontario. The team would like to acknowledge the members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee representing the following organizations for their assistance in completing this research project: • B.C. Federation of Labour • Construction Labour Relations Association of B.C. • Alberta Workers' Health Centre • Unifor • The Mood Disorders Association of B.C. • Ontario's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health • National Institute of Disability Management and Research

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