Guides & Toolkits

Young Workers: Investing in your Future Workforce

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WHY INVEST? Young workers bring enthusiasm, energy and fresh ideas to the workplace. They are the future of your workforce. Investing in their development can lead to many payoffs, including: Fewer mistakes and workplace injuries Less employee turnover Improved work attendance, productivity and performance For more information contact Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 1 877 494 WSPS (9777)   GROW YOUR KNOWLEDGE Young Workers: Investing in your Future Workforce 000-000-00-AAAA 3. FAIRNESS IN SCHEDULING AND WAGES Schedules that are too long, too short, inflexible, or unreliable can be frustrating for many young workers. Offering flexibility and predictable hours can allow young workers to flourish in their role, while still balancing the demands of their personal lives. 4. OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT Entry-level positions can sometimes be seen as "dead-end" jobs – but they don't have to be. Young workers may be willing to tolerate temporary challenges if they see opportunity for learning or advancement. Take time to listen to their goals and explain opportunities for growth. An open dialogue can foster engagement and build motivation. "There's this disconnect between what those young people come in knowing and what the employer expects them to know through osmosis." - Matthew, 17

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