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Workbook for Designated Substance Ass...

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Workbook for Designated Substance Assessments 28 366-BPV-01-IMOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA GUIDELINES FOR WORKSHEET 3: PROCESS DESCRIPTION The purpose of this worksheet is to identify the type and number of workers who may be exposed to the substance because of the nature of their job tasks in relation to the process. Do not forget to consider indirect process-related tasks, such as cleaning, maintenance, etc. Process Flow: Identify the stages of the process where the designated substance is used or present. The purpose of the process flow is to help you identify the various stages of a process or activity at which the substance is present, and what happens to it at each stage. The process flow should start with the stage at which the substance first enters the facility or process, and ends where it leaves the facility as a finished product or waste. The process flow should include all stages: storage, dispensing, transportation, clean up, waste disposal, and final shipment. If you have several processes involving the substance, develop separate process flows for each. If the substance is used or present only during maintenance or cleaning, treat this as a distinct process and develop a simple process flow for it. Description of task with likelihood of exposure: Describe the work task for each stage in the process flow where the designated substance is present. Include details on the form of the designated substance (liquid, gas, solid, powder), how it is used, handled and stored, waste or by-products generated, and any special conditions present e.g., the chemical is heated. Indicate if there is a likelihood of exposure during the task based on the work performed and how the substance is used. Consider factors such as if the exposure is likely to exceed occupational exposure limits. Observe the work task during your walk-through survey in Worksheet 4 to verify if there is a likelihood of exposure. Frequency of Exposure: Indicate the approximate number of hours each week, day, or month that the workers may be exposed to the designated substance due to the tasks performed. Use what measurement makes most sense for your workplace. Where the task is of a special nature or performed irregularly make note of this. WSPS.CA

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