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Workbook for Designated Substance Ass...

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Workbook for Designated Substance Assessments 8 366-BPV-01-IMOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA WORKBOOK FORMAT This workbook is designed to help you collect and analyze information for a designated substance assessment. It is comprised of various worksheets that will take you through your assessment in a systematic manner. You will find that the worksheet format is consistent throughout the workbook. Each one contains a series of questions for you to answer. The last part of this document consists of numbered guidelines starting in Section V that will correspond to the worksheet questions. The guidelines will help you in framing appropriate answers. Please feel free to copy and use as many worksheets as you need. Depending upon the nature and size of your company, you may wish to use a separate workbook for each operation or use of the substance. Note: As you do your assessment, refer to Regulation 490/09 Designated Substances for further guidance, as well as the following resources may be helpful: IHSA Asbestos Controls for Construction, Renovation, and Demolition MLITSD Auto Body Shop Isocyanate Control Program Checklist MLITSD Guide to Designated Substances in the Workplace MLITSD Isocyanates in Auto Body Shops Ontario Silica Control Tool (OHCOW) WSPS Silica in the Workplace WSPS.CA

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