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Workbook for Designated Substance Ass...

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Workbook for Designated Substance Assessments 26 366-BPV-01-IMOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA GUIDELINES FOR WORKSHEET 1: IS THE DESIGNATED SUBSTANCE PRESENT? QUESTION 1: Review all the safety data sheets (SDSs) received from your suppliers. Ensure you have a SDS for all of your chemicals in your workplace. If a material contains a designated substance, it will be listed in the Hazardous Ingredients Section of the SDS. QUESTION 2: Familiarize yourself with the uses of the substance in your workplace. Consider all activities in which it is used. The third column titled "How Used?" – The Direct heading refers to any activity or process that involves production of goods. Indirect relates to activities/functions that are supportive to production, e.g., equipment maintenance, housekeeping. The Quantity used per Month/Year – Many ways can be used to measure the consumption. Use a practical measurement method that is suitable for your operation (e.g., it can be by weight, volume, number of objects or products produced etc.) Similarly, choose the measurement of time that makes the most sense for your workplace. It is not limited to but could be daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Include in this list any process or activity that requires further investigation to determine whether or not the substance is present. You may need to consult with outside experts such as the supplier of the product and/or Occupational Hygiene specialists in determining potential of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: If you have identified all locations where the substance is present, proceed to Worksheet 2: Is worker exposure likely? WSPS.CA

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