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Workbook for Designated Substance Ass...

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Workbook for Designated Substance Assessments 7 366-BPV-01-IMOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA DECISION DIAGRAM FOR ASSESSING DESIGNATED SUBSTANCES 1. Determine if the Designated Substances Regulation applies 1.a) Is the Designated Substance present?* 1.b) Is exposure likely? 2. Do an assessment 2.a) May health be affected? 3. Develop/improve and implement control program 4. Change in Progress Regulation does not apply No control program needed NO NO NO YES YES YES *Although a Designated Substance may be present, there are situations outlined within the legislation that allow for exemptions – refer to Regulation 490/09, sections 3-14, for these criteria. WSPS.CA

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