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Workbook for Designated Substance Ass...

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Workbook for Designated Substance Assessments 10 366-BPV-01-IMOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | WSPS.CA APPLICATION – WORKSHEET 1: IS THE DESIGNATED SUBSTANCE PRESENT? 1. Do any safety data sheets from your suppliers indicate the presence of the substance?  YES  NO 2. If substance is present, indicate the department where it is used, nature of the use (i.e. direct or indirect) and the quantity purchased per month or year: Product Name Department How Used? Direct/Indirect Container Type/Size Quantity used per Month/year CONCLUSIONS Read statements and check applicable box: Substance not present anywhere in workplace; regulation does not apply. No Assessment needed. (Note: Although you do not need to proceed further, you should retain this worksheet on record.) Date Completed: ____________________________________________ Processes activities have been identified where substance present. Proceed to worksheet 2. WSPS.CA

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