To be able to use hand held tools in a safe manner.
The following is a list of major hand held tools and their safe use that are common to most farm shops:
Wrenches: When placing an adjustable wrench on a nut, make sure the adjustable jaw faces the
operator; then pull the wrench toward the operator. Use socket wrenches for hard-to-reach places.
Never use a pipe wrench on nuts because the corners of the nuts or bolts are likely to break the teeth
of the wrench jaws, making it unsafe for future use. Manufacturers make wrenches of different sizes.
So the amount of leverage obtained with the wrench handle is the maximum application; it is unsafe
to add more leverage with a length of pipe.
Hammers: When replacing hammer handles, make sure they fit the hammer head. Wedge the handle
securely in the head and make sure that it is free of splinters and cracks. Never strike hardened steel
surfaces with a steel hammer. Use a soft metal hammer or one with a plastic, wood or rawhide head
when striking steel surfaces. Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying objects. Inspect
sledge hammers carefully before each use. Use the right type of hammer for the specific job.
Pliers: Never substitute pliers for another tool such as a wrench to complete the task. It may cause the
bolt heads to become chewed. Pliers cannot grip nuts and bolts securely and will slip. If working with
electricity use hand insulated grips. Make sure the protective coverings are free from cracks or holes.
Use a vise when cutting wire with the pliers. Hold the open end of the wire with your free hand to
prevent the cut-off piece from flying through the air. If a vise is not available, use your foot to secure
the wire and always use safety glasses.