Guides & Toolkits

Distracted driving is illegal

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While you're driving • Let phone calls go to voicemail. • Don't text, surf the web, or read emails. • Stop at a safe location to make or receive phone calls. • Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking. • Avoid personal grooming. • Keep two hands on the wheel for better control. • Keep your eyes and mind on the road. Before you drive • Turn off mobile devices. • Pre-program route on GPS or review maps and directions. • Pre-set climate control and radio. • Prepare children with anything they may need. • Stow and secure loose objects. • Secure pets properly. • Allow plenty of travel time. Stay Focused, Stay Safe PROMISE TO PROTECT... children, workers, pedestrians, cyclists, and all drivers of Ontario. • Prepare children with anything they may need. • Stow and secure loose objects. Stow and secure loose objects. • Secure pets properly. • Allow plenty of travel time. PROMI pedestrians, cyclists, and all drivers of Ontario. ROTECT... pedestrians, cyclists, and all drivers of Ontario. It's easy to stay focused on the road if you are prepared. These tips can help keep your eyes on the road. Safe driving requires focus and concentration, but distractions make it all-too-easy to lose sight of what matters most—the road. No matter what the distraction, remember: It only takes one second to change the rest of your life.

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