Guides & Toolkits

Starting Your Health and Safety Program

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5 © 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario, publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Starting Your Health and Safety Program arrange for the selection, testing, repair and maintenance of all types of safety devices and personal protective equipment ensure that a proper accident investigation procedure is developed (see Appendix 3) ensure regular analyses of all relevant injury reports and records (see Appendix 4) coordinate the measurement and evaluation of program activities and of the overall health and safety program cooperate with the health and safety committee develop and maintain co-operation with experts in various fields liaise with federal and provincial authorities and with organizations such as WSPS The coordinator performs an extremely important function and should report to a senior manager. appendix 2 Health and Safety Committees and Representatives Joint committees are an excellent forum for constructive and regular dialogue between managers and workers about health and safety concerns in the workplace. The committee or your representative should be involved in the development and implementation of the workplace health and safety program. These committees and representatives provide advice to the employer and help to build the internal responsibility system. Research has shown that joint committees work best under the following circumstances: The goals, functions and roles of the committee are clearly established and understood There is careful time control - Enough time is allowed to get the work done There is good preparation for meetings. The agenda and information are prepared and distributed prior to meetings Good minutes are kept and followed up The committee takes time to review and evaluate its performance Individual members are suitably qualified and interested Members feel that they are given some form of recognition for their efforts Employers must respond, in writing, to the written recommendations of the committee or representative within 21 days (s.9 (20)). Assign responsibility for ensuring that recommendations are considered and replied to promptly. appendix 3 accident Investigation The purpose of an investigation is to determine the causes of the accident so that steps can be taken to prevent a recurrence (IER, s.5). The first person to investigate an accident should be the supervisor of the area in which it occurred. Some accidents may need to be investigated by a team that includes persons with special technical knowledge or expertise. A designated worker health and safety committee member or the health and safety representative is required to investigate accidents resulting in fatalities or critical injuries. Procedures for investigating accidents should specify who is responsible for conducting accidents, to whom reports are to be submitted, and whose responsibility it is to ensure corrective action is taken. Use a standard form to record the results, such an Investigation Report form. Details to be recorded include the machinery or equipment involved, a description of the injuries, and the circumstances of the accident

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