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Agricultural Safety Topic - Respirator Fit

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AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS – RESPIRATOR FIT 2 130-011-14-IADO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Fit Tests for Respirators Dust Respirator fit test: Check for proper fit each time you put on a dust respirator. Cup both hands in front of the mask. Be careful not to push on the mask or move it. Inhale deeply. Check to see if the facepiece collapses toward your face. Smile, and then frown. If the mask is drawn in and no air is leaking in around the edges, you have a proper fit. If you don't have a proper fit, try readjusting the straps or repositioning the respirator on your face. Repeat the test until you have a proper fit. Check the written material that comes with the respirator for other specific fitting instructions. Dual Cartridge Respirator Fit Test: For a Positive Pressure Test, put on your respirator and block off the exhalation valve with the palm of your hand. Gently exhale, and then hold it for about 10 seconds. Place your hand on the facepiece to see if it is bulging slightly. Smile, and then open your mouth. If you notice a slight bulge and you don't detect any air leaks, you have a proper fit. For the Negative Pressure Test, place the palms of your hands over the cartridge openings and gently inhale, holding your breath for 10 seconds. You will notice that the facepiece is collapsing slightly. Smile, and then open your mouth. If the facepiece is collapsing slightly and you don't detect any air leaks, you have a proper fit. **Both fit tests should be done to ensure a proper fit.**

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