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FAQ: PPE Considerations

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6 365-AWM-01-IGDO © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | FAQ: PPE CONSIDERATIONS Hierarchy of Controls for Biological, Chemical and Physical Agents D. PPE: If the above recommendations are still not enough for your workplace, as a last resort, consider PPE. PPE is only effective if people wear it correctly. Ensure PPE training includes the fit, use, care, putting on and taking off, maintenance, cleaning and limitations of the PPE. Provide and maintain appropriate containers for disposal of used PPE. Some examples of PPE that may be suited to workers include: i. Overcoats or gowns ii. Gloves – single use gloves can help limit contact with certain surfaces, product, etc. Set up practices for suitable disposal and change when soiled. Be sure you consider other hazards that may be present in the workplace before introducing gloves – in some cases, gloves can be an 'entanglement' hazard and should not be worn. iii. Safety Glasses, Goggles or Face Shields – should be assigned to people and not shared, but can be used regularly if kept clean. Be sure to have that considered if you determine you'll use them and ensure use does not result in workers touching their faces more often due to heat or discomfort. © Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2020. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) grants permission to approved end users to reproduce this document in whole or in part, provided its intended use is for non-commercial, educational purposes and that full acknowledgement is given to the WSPS. Approved end users are firms registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. WSPS reserves the right to extend this permission to other stakeholders and interested parties by express written permission upon application. WSPS extends no warranty to materials amended or altered by the end user. Under no circumstances is this document, or any portion thereof, to be duplicated for purposes of sale or for external reproduction or distribution. (Sample WSPS acknowledgement, "Reproduced or adapted from name of solution with permission of Workplace Safety & Prevention Services, Mississauga, Ontario.") The information contained in this reference material is distributed as a guide only. It is generally current to the best of our knowledge as at the revision date, having been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and to represent the best current opinion on the subject. No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made by WSPS as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any representation contained in this reference material. WSPS assumes no responsibility in connection therewith; nor can it be assumed that all acceptable safety measures are contained in this reference material, or that other or additional measures may not be required in particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances. Revised: April 2020 Elimination Substitution Engineering Awareness Administrative Personal Protective Equipment Decreasing Effectiveness Types of Controls © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) WSPS.CA

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