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FAQ: PPE Considerations

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FAQ: PPE CONSIDERATIONS 3 365-AWM-01-IGDO © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | 3. For any soiled uniforms, laundry etc., minimize shaking and disturbance; If possible, arrange to ensure the laundering of items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely and clean and disinfect hampers or other carts for transporting laundry and sanitation equipment. Use a commercial laundry service to avoid cross contamination and at home washing of contaminated clothing. 4. Workers that are required to use an alternate style or type of apparel should be informed of any changes and included in the selection process in order to minimize the potential for user acceptance issues. Q. Disposable Nitrile Gloves are unavailable, what do you do? A. Nitrile gloves are one variety of impervious gloves available from manufacturers. Speak to your supplier to determine if other glove materials like Viton, PVC, latex, etc. are safe to use with the type of chemical you are using. The manufacturer may be able to guide you on an alternate glove material for your application. 1. Determine if your company has been purchasing medical grade gloves or industrial grade. Select the correct grade of glove for the application. 2. Be advised that the colour of the glove material is not an indication of level of protection or use. 3. There are different densities of glove materials. Consider the importance of tactile sensation required for handling materials and determine if a thicker glove of the same material is appropriate for the application. 4. Be advised that washing and re-using gloves should only be done in consultation with the manufacturer as chemicals may permeate the glove without visual signs of damage (discolouration, texture) and affect the skin if worn repeatedly or for extended periods of time. 5. Users should be aware of cross contamination of clean surfaces (door knob, handles, face or other body parts) when gloves are contaminated. 6. Due to the impervious nature of gloves, extending the wearing time may impact the skin and may lead to dermatitis due to the sweat accumulation inside of the gloves. 7. User training in the removal of contaminated gloves and proper disposal should be followed to avoid cross contamination. gloves-doffing.pdf ?la=en 8. Always wash your hands after removing gloves. 9. Workers that are required to use an alternate style or type of gloves should be informed of any changes and included in the selection process in order to minimize the potential for user acceptance issues. WSPS.CA

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