Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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14 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business self-assessment checklist (continued) Question Do we have this written down? (Y/N) Do we do what's written down? (Y/N) Did we even know we had to do this? (Y/N) When will this be written down? When will we start doing what's written down? HEaLTH & saFETY IN acTION 25. Do we meet the standard required by legislation for either a Health & Safety Representative or Joint Health & Safety Committee? Are the names and their respective work locations posted where everyone can see them? (Not sure of the requirements? Check the QUICK REFERENCE at the end of this guide.) 26. Do we make sure that the Joint Health & Safety Committee members have the time they need to carry out their duties, including establishing an agenda before their meetings, keeping accurate minutes of their meetings and holding their meetings at least every three months? 27. Do we have a way to allow for the Health & Safety Representative or Joint Health & Safety Committee members to make recommendations to the employer on workplace health & safety issues? notes

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