Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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Page 14 of 43 15 Step 1: Start Here! Question Do we have this written down? (Y/N) Do we do what's written down? (Y/N) Did we even know we had to do this? (Y/N) When will this be written down? When will we start doing what's written down? HEaLTH & saFETY IN acTION 28. Do Health & Safety Representatives/Joint Health & Safety Committee members receive documented general training in planned workplace inspections, investigation techniques and health & safety law? 29. Do we make sure that Health & Safety Representatives or Joint Health & Safety Committee members receive the appropriate training? 30. Does the Joint Health & Safety Committee conduct regular, monthly workplace inspections and communicate their documented findings to management? notes

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