Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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Page 38 of 43 39 Step 6: The Closing Loop Struggling to find something to talk about at your next meeting — pull it out and review one of the topics. Something has changed in your workplace? Pull it out and update it. Your business is successful because of the care and attention you bring to it; your health & safety system will be successful for the same reason. Bring it to life. Our Health & Safety Policy Statement Locations of Posted Documents Names and Locations of Designated First Aiders Names and Locations of Health & Safety Representatives (or Joint Health & Safety Committee Members) Emergency Telephone Numbers First Aid Log Fire Protection Inspection Checklist: Combine with your monthly inspection. Hazard Reporting: How do we report hazards in our workplace? Personal Protective Equipment: What Personal Protective Equipment do we need/ use in this location? Who has been trained on its use? How frequently do we inspect our equipment? Workplace Inspection Checklist: What do we look for? Incident Investigation Report: Where do we record incidents? What about injuries? Where do we keep the forms? Common Hazards/Hazards in Our Workplace: Make a list of the hazards in your workplace — and how you deal with them. Working Alone: What is our procedure for working alone? Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy: You can combine these policies with your Health & Safety Policy statement. Work Refusals: Make sure everyone knows that they have a right to refuse unsafe work — and a responsibility, too. Emergency Plan: How do we evacuate our location? Where do we meet? How often do we practice evacuation? What about flu season — what precautions do we take, and how do we keep our business going? Orientation Checklist: Make reviewing your health & safety system part of your orientation process for new hires.

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