Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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Page 12 of 43 13 Step 1: Start Here! Question Do we have this written down? (Y/N) Do we do what's written down? (Y/N) Did we even know we had to do this? (Y/N) When will this be written down? When will we start doing what's written down? HEaLTH & saFETY IN acTION 19. Do we have a system in place to allow an employee to refuse work if they feel their life, or the life of another employee, is in immediate danger if they continue that work? 20. Do we take all reasonable precautions to prevent acts of violence and aggression against employees? Do employees know how to respond to protect themselves from potentially violent or aggressive acts? 21. Do we take all reasonable precautions to prevent workplace harassment? 22. Do we design work processes and match equipment and tasks to the capabilities of the employee? Do we eliminate or control work-related health & safety hazards wherever possible? 23. Do we always review any machinery, equipment or process in a complex/ hazardous situation to ensure the safe operation before work begins? 24. Do we identify, eliminate or control all workplace and job/task hazards not mentioned elsewhere in this evaluation?

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