Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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Page 16 of 43 17 Your health & safety policy statement is a legal requirement. It is also the foundation for the health & safety system in the workplace. Key Elements: Your vision of health and safety in the workplace Your commitment to comply with, or exceed the requirements of the regulations Your commitment to health and safety training and education Your vision of how everyone is involved Clearly described duties, responsibilities and accountabilities There are no magic words — it should be written in a way that people are able to "hear" your voice when they read it. The most important part of a health & safety policy statement is the life you bring to it: Review it at least once a year, more frequently if there are changes in your workplace Involve your employees — supervisors, workers, health & safety representatives Make sure you include the health & safety policy statement as part of your new employee orientation Post it where employees will see it Step 2: Setting the Stage

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